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Is the Housing Market Starting To Balance Out?

For years, sellers have had the upper hand in the housing market. With so few homes for sale and so many people who wanted to purchase them, buyers faced tough competition just to get an offer accepted. But now, inventory is rising, and things are starting to shift in many areas.

So, is the market finally balancing out? And does that mean buyers will have it a bit easier now? Here’s what you need to know.

What Makes It a Buyer’s Market or a Seller’s Market?

It all comes down to how many homes are for sale in an area compared to how many buyers want to buy there. That’s what ultimately determines who has the most leverage.

  • A Seller’s Market is when there are more buyers than homes available, so sellers hold the power. This leads to rising prices, multiple offers, and homes selling quickly – often above the asking price – because there isn’t enough to go around.
  • A Buyer’s Market is when there are more homes than buyers. In this case, the tables turn. Sellers may have to offer concessions and incentives, or negotiate more to get a deal done. That’s because buyers have more choices and can take their time making decisions.

You can see this play out over time using data from the National Association of Realtors (NAR) in the graph below:

Where the Market Stands Now

While it’s still a seller’s market in many places, buyers in certain locations have more leverage than they’ve had in years. And that’s thanks to how much inventory has grown lately. As Lance Lambert, Co-Founder of ResiClub, explains:

“Among the nation’s 200 largest metro area housing markets, 41 markets ended January 2025 with more active homes for sale than they had in pre-pandemic January 2019. These are the places where homebuyers will be able to find the most leverage or market balance in 2025.”

Here’s a look at some of the strongest seller’s markets and buyer’s markets today, according to that research:

Do you know how to adjust your plans based on who’s got the most negotiating power? Because an agent does.

Clever strategies can make buying in a seller’s market easier – and vice versa. And that’s exactly why you need to hire a pro. A local real estate agent knows their market like the back of their hand. They’re super familiar with what the supply and demand balance looks like and how to help their clients get a deal done either way. So, as long as you have a skilled pro by your side, it doesn’t really matter if your town is on the list or not.

With their expertise, you’ll be able to plan ahead and buy (or sell) no matter what the market looks like.

Bottom Line

With inventory rising, the market may be starting to balance out – but it all depends on where you want to buy or sell.

If you want to know who has the most leverage where you are, talk to a local real estate agent. 

Are Investors Actually Buying Up All the Homes?

Are you trying to buy a home but you feel like you’re up against deep-pocketed Wall Street investors snatching up everything in sight? Many people believe mega investors are driving up prices and buying up all the homes for sale, and that’s making it hard for regular buyers like you to compete.

But here’s the truth. Investor purchases are actually on the decline, and the big players aren’t nearly as active as you might think. Let’s dive into the facts and put this myth to rest.

Most Investors Are Small, Not Mega Investors

A common misconception is that massive institutional investors are dominating the market. In reality, that’s not the case. The Mortgage Reports explains:

“On average, small investors account for around 18% of the market, while mega investors represent only about 1%.

Most real estate investors are mom-and-pop investors who own just a few properties — not large corporations buying up entire neighborhoods. They’re people like your neighbors who have another home they’re renting out or a vacation getaway.

Investor Home Purchases Are Dropping

But what about the big investors you hear about in the news? Lately, those institutional investors – the ones that make headlines – have pulled back and aren’t buying as many homes.

According to John Burns Research and Consulting (JBREC), at their all-time peak in Q2 2022, institutional investors (those owning 1,000+ single-family homes) only made up 2.4% of home sales. And that number has only come down since then. By Q3 2024, that number had fallen to just 0.3% (see graph below):

That’s a major shift, and it means far fewer investors are competing in the market now than just a few years ago.

Investors are clearly more reluctant to buy in today’s market, but why? The answer is largely because higher mortgage rates and home prices have made it less attractive for them.

The idea that Wall Street investors are buying up all the homes and making it impossible for you to compete is a myth. While some investors are still in the market, they’re not nearly as active as they were in past years.

Bottom Line

Big institutional investors aren’t buying up all the homes – if anything they’re buying less than they have been. Connect with a local real estate agent to talk about what’s happening in your local market. There could be more opportunities than you think.

How does knowing investors are buying fewer homes change the way you see your chances in today’s market?

Seller Concessions: A Smart Strategy To Get Your House Sold

For the past few years, it’s been mostly a seller’s market. But dynamics are shifting as the number of homes for sale grows. And that means that the market is balancing out a bit. As a result, some sellers are finding they need to be more flexible to close a deal. One strategy that can help? Offering concessions.

As the National Association of Realtors (NAR) explains:

“As home inventory begins to grow and buyers regain some advantage in the market, sellers may consider offering more in negotiations to make the deal more attractive and get to the closing table.”

What Are Seller Concessions? 

Concessions are homebuying costs that a seller agrees to cover as a way to get their house sold. And based on data from the National Association of Realtors (NAR), nearly 1 out of every 4 sellers (24%) offered a concession in 2024. Here are a few of the most common types of concessions:

  • Covering Closing Costs: The seller pays for part (or all) of the buyer’s closing costs, like appraisal fees, title insurance, or loan fees. 
  • Price Adjustments: Instead of making repairs, a seller might lower the purchase price to make up for updates the buyer will need to tackle. 
  • Adding a Home Warranty: A seller may throw in a home warranty, giving the buyer peace of mind key repairs will be covered in the first year. 

And don’t worry. This doesn’t mean you have to come up with more cash to make it happen. These are things that get subtracted from your profits at closing – not more funds you have to bring to the table.  And not all concessions are about money.

There are other extras you could throw in. Like, if your buyer is coming from an apartment and has never had a yard before, they may ask if you’d be willing to leave your lawn mower behind. That’s another lever you could pull to keep them happy.

How Concessions Help Sellers 

Offering concessions can be a smart strategy for sellers to get a deal done. As Dennis Shirshikov, Professor of Finance and Economics, City University of New York/Queens College told The Mortgage Reports:

“Pricing homes realistically and being willing to offer concessions, such as covering a portion of closing costs or including upgrades, will be key to closing deals . . . in a less frenzied market.”

For example, let’s say you accepted an offer from a buyer, but after their inspection, you found out there are some repairs they want you to tackle before you hand over the keys.

Rather than starting at square one and searching for a new buyer, you could offer a concession. One option is you can take on the repairs and cover the costs yourself. But, if you really don’t want the hassle of dealing with contractors, you could reduce your price by however much repairs would cost. Alternatively, you could offer to pay a portion of your buyer’s closing expenses with the idea they’d use the money they saved at closing toward doing the repairs themselves.

Either way, a concession can be a great way to meet in the middle. However, it’s important to have an agent on your side to help with these negotiations.

A good real estate agent can help you decide when and how to offer concessions, so you don’t give away too much while still ensuring your house gets sold. It’s all about finding the right balance. 

Bottom Line

With the market becoming more balanced, seller concessions are coming back into play in some areas. The key is having an agent to help guide you through the process, so things work out in your favor.

What’s a concession you’d consider to move things along?

Are You Asking Yourself These Questions About Selling Your House?

Some homeowners hesitate to sell because they’ve got unanswered questions that hold them back. But a lot of times their concerns are based on misconceptions, not facts. And if they’d just talk to an agent about it, they’d see these doubts aren’t necessarily a hurdle at all.

If uncertainty is keeping you from making a move, it’s time to get the real answers. The ones you deserve. And to take the pressure off, you don’t have to ask the questions, because here’s the data that answers them.

1. Is It Even a Good Idea To Move Right Now? 

If you own a home already, you may be tempted to wait because you don’t want to sell and take on a higher mortgage rate on your next house. But your move may be a lot more feasible than you think, and that’s because of how much your house has likely grown in value.

Think about it. Do you know anyone in your neighborhood who’s sold their house recently? If so, did you hear what it sold for? With how much home values have gone up in recent years, the number may surprise you. According to Lawrence Yun, Chief Economist at the National Association of Realtors (NAR), the typical homeowner has gained $147,000 in housing wealth in the last five years alone.

That’s significant – and when you sell, that can give you what you need to fund your next move.

2. Will I Be Able To Find a Home I Like? 

If this is on your mind, it’s probably because you remember just how hard it was to find a home over the past few years. But in today’s market, it isn’t as challenging.

Data from shows how much inventory has increased – it’s up nearly 25% compared to this time last year (see graph below): 

a graph of a sales reportEven though inventory is still below more normal pre-pandemic levels, it’s improved a lot in the past year. And the best part is, experts say it’ll grow another 10 to 15% this year. That means you have more options for your move – and the best chance in years to find a home you love.

3. Are Buyers Still Buying?

And last, if you’re worried no one’s buying with rates and prices where they are right now, here’s some perspective that can help. While there weren’t as many home sales last year as there’d be in a normal market, roughly 4.24 million homes still sold (not including new construction), according to the National Association of Realtors (NAR). And the expectation is that number will rise in 2025. But even if we only match how many homes sold last year, here’s what that looks like.

  • 4.24 million homes ÷ 365 days in a year = 11,616 homes sell each day
  • 11,616 homes ÷ 24 hours in a day = 484 homes sell per hour
  • 484 homes ÷ 60 minutes = 8 homes sell every minute

Think about that. Just in the time it took you to read this, 8 homes sold. Let this reassure you – the market isn’t at a standstill. Every day, thousands of people buy, and they’re looking for homes like yours.

Bottom Line

When you’re ready to walk through what’s on your mind, connect with an agent to get the answers you need. 

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